Foot Dystonia Treatment

Dystonia Recovery Program Team

Living with Foot Dystonia poses difficulties in discovering efficient therapies, as conventional choices such as drugs and injections come with certain constraints. Dr. Joaquin Farias, drawing upon 25 years of expertise in assisting individuals afflicted by Dystonia, unveils an all-encompassing regimen within the Dystonia Recovery initiative. Crafted in partnership with healthcare practitioners dealing with Foot Dystonia, this holistic and easily accessible strategy provides effective symptom control for individuals across the globe in a convenient and cost-effective manner.

Understanding Foot Dystonia

Foot Dystonia manifests as involuntary contractions in the muscles of the feet, leading to symptoms like curled toes, a clenched foot, or painful cramping. These symptoms disrupt activities such as walking, standing, and wearing shoes, profoundly affecting an individual’s overall well-being.

About Dr. Farias Neuroplastic Training Approach

Since 1996, Dr. Farias has been providing effective alternative treatments for patients affected by Foot Dystonia by pioneering new theories on Neuroplasticity induced by movement.

Dr. Joaquin Farias is a leading specialist treating Dystonia with movement therapy. His personal mission is to enable every patient to be offered the least aggressive and most effective treatment available. Since 1996 Dr. Farias has helped thousands of people to have their lives and livelihoods back after being affected by Dystonia. Dr. Farias has presented his work on Dystonia rehabilitation at Harvard Medical School, McGill University Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto Rehabilitation Sciences Institute, Tokyo University, Toronto Western Hospital, Universidad La Sapienza di Roma, and The European Union.

“Dr. Farias is a kind of clinical genius in his work with the Dystonias. I believe, as time evolves, it will be clear that his work is of historical importance.”

— Dr. Norman Doidge M.D.

Author of The brain that changes itself and The brain’s ways of healing

In 2018, Dr. Farias extended his impact through the creation of the Dystonia Recovery online program, making his alternative protocols for Foot Dystonia rehabilitation accessible to anyone in need.

Will Dr. Farias’ Recovery Program help my Foot Dystonia?

Since 2018, more than 8,000 Dystonia patients worldwide have created accounts in our program. We are pleased to report that many of our users affected by Foot Dystonia, who have diligently followed the program for a year or more, have experienced a reduction in their symptoms, including a remarkable decrease in Foot Dystonia pain, increased mobility in the foot, the recovery of the ability to walk and run, a reduction in Foot Dystonia spasms, and improvement in their emotional well-being. Some of our members consider that they have attained full recovery after a year of practice, while others have continued their training for several years, gradually reducing their symptoms and improving their health and quality of life.

“When I started the program I could not walk, I felt depressed and I had no hope in my life.  I Just finished a 10k, and 1/2 marathon this month and wanted to say thank you for helping me have my life back”

Lydia, USA


Start your Recovery Journey Today

Join the complete online recovery program for dystonia patients.

How Neuroplasticity can help you recover from Foot Dystonia

Understanding Neuroplasticity is crucial in Foot Dystonia therapies, enabling the repair of cortical and subcortical circuits, integrating alternative areas for modified functions, and aiding recovery from brain injuries. Neuroplasticity, the brain’s ability to adapt, is pivotal for cognitive and physical well-being. Dr.Farias’ Neuroplastic Training uses simple movements to optimize vital brain circuits making it possible to recover from Foot Dystonia. Patients following our training protocols have experienced unprecedented improvements and full recoveries from Foot Dystonia.

In Foot Dystonia treatment, acknowledging the brain’s capacity to modify itself is key. The cerebral cortex, genetically predetermined for specific functions, can be modulated through experience and learning.

Physiological plasticity involves changes allowing the recovery of affected functions. This includes creating new synapses, functional reorganization, incorporating new areas into established networks, and recruiting different regions to compensate for losses. The brain adapts through mechanisms like dendrite sprouting, functional reorganization, and activating redundant pathways.Dr. Farias’ Neuroplastic Movement Therapy

Dr. Farias’ Neuroplastic Movement Therapy is an innovative approach designed to target specific problematic movements and overall movement patterns in the body. The therapy aims to identify neural dysfunctions contributing to Foot Dystonia and systematically reprogram them to promote more desirable movements.

Incremental Task Conditioning

Integral to the therapy is the concept of incremental task conditioning. This technique facilitates a gradual transition from existing problematic movement patterns to healthier alternatives. By introducing and reinforcing positive changes step by step, the therapy aims to create sustainable improvements.

Strength Training and Repetitive Task Performance

Incorporating strength training and repetitive task performance, Dr. Farias’ approach guides the brain toward adopting more desirable movement patterns. These elements enhance the brain-body connection, empowering individuals to exert greater control over muscle movements in the affected foot.

Individualised Exercises for Foot Dystonia

The hallmark of Dr. Farias’ therapy lies in its highly individualised nature. Tailoring each treatment plan to the patient’s specific condition, preferences, and lifestyle ensures seamless alignment with individual needs. This personalised approach maximises the potential for successful outcomes.

Join Our Community!

As we explore innovative solutions for Foot Dystonia treatment, we invite you to join our community. Stay informed, connect with others sharing similar experiences, and embark on a collaborative journey toward relief and improved well-being.


In conclusion, Foot Dystonia, marked by symptoms of curled toes, a clenched foot, or painful cramping, presents significant challenges. However, Dr. Farias’ Neuroplastic Movement Therapy offers a practical and personalized strategy for those seeking relief. Incremental task conditioning, strength training, and the highly individualized approach make Dr. Farias’ therapy a promising avenue for individuals navigating the complexities of Foot Dystonia. Stay connected, stay informed, and together let’s pave the way toward a more comfortable and fulfilling life.

Physical Therapy for Dystonia. The Future of Neurorehabilitation

Runners’ Dystonia Treatment


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Join the complete online recovery program for dystonia patients.